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Share certificate checklist

Make it Legal™ Checklist

Here are a few important steps to take to finish your document

Read the Share Certificate to make sure it meets your needs. Remember that if you have any questions you can easily Ask a lawyer.

The Share Certificate must be signed in a special way:

  1. Print a copy for each shareholder. You cannot sign online.

  2. The chosen company director(s) must sign each copy. If only one director is signing then a witness is required.

    1. The witnesses must sign and add their name, address and occupation directly underneath the signature of the director they are witnessing.

  3. Complete the Share Certificate by writing the date in the space provided next to ‘This is to Certify that on…’. The date should be the date the last person signed the agreement.

A witness must have mental capacity and not be under the age of 18.

Each shareholder must keep their signed original Share Certificate safe and use a copy when they need to make the Certificate available. 

It is a good idea to certify any copies. This means that a copy is confirmed by a qualified person - usually a solicitor - as a true copy of the original document. While Rocket Lawyer does not provide certification services, they can be provided by most solicitors for a small fee.

A copy of your Share Certificate will also be stored automatically in your Rocket Lawyer account ‘Dashboard’.

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