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Energy repayment plan checklist

Make it Legal™ Checklist

Here are a few important steps to take to finish your document

Read the document to make sure it meets your needs. Remember that if you have any questions you can easily Ask a lawyer.

Signing online

  1. You can sign online using RocketSign.

Signing in print

  1. Print a copy of the Energy Repayment Plan.

  2. Sign the document.

Send a signed copy of the Energy Repayment Plan to your energy provider. Remember to attach a budget sheet to the repayment Plan if you wish to include one.

Keep a copy of the signed Energy Repayment Plan for your records. If you:

  1. posted the repayment Plan, keep a copy of the signed letter and anything else that was included (eg a budget sheet)

  2. emailed the repayment Plan, keep a copy of the email and any attachments, together with any ‘read receipts’

A copy of the Energy Repayment Plan will be stored automatically in your Rocket Lawyer account ‘Dashboard’.

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