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Data subject access request (DSAR) checklist

What's next?

You've made your document, great work! Now you should...

Read the Data Subject Access Request to make sure it meets your needs. Read Making subject access requests for more information.

Remember that if you have any questions you can easily Ask a lawyer.

Signing online

  1. You can sign online using RocketSign.

Signing in print

  1. Print a copy of the Data Subject Access Request.

  2. Sign and date the document.

Send your Data Subject Access Request to the business or organisation in question.

Where possible, send your Subject Access Request directly to the individual or team who deals with Subject Access Requests (eg the data protection officer). Details on contacting the relevant individual or team are usually written in the business' privacy policy. For more information, read Making subject access requests.


  • a copy of the data Subject Access Request for your records, including any ‘read receipts’ if sent by email

  • a copy of any additional documents or written correspondence for your records

  • any proof of postage or delivery (eg postal reference number)

A copy of the document will also be stored automatically in your Rocket Lawyer account ‘Dashboard’.

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