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Change of address notice checklist

What's next?

You've made your document, great work! Now you should...

Read the document to make sure it meets your needs. If two people (eg a couple) are sending the Letter, make sure that both agree with the Letter.

Remember that if you have any questions you can easily Ask a lawyer.

Signing online

  1. You can select to sign online using RocketSign.

Signing in print

  1. Print the Change of Address Letter.

  2. The Letter needs to be signed in the spaces provided by everyone giving notice of their change of address.

Send the Change of Address Letter to all interested parties, including your bank, financial institutions, service providers, your employer, pension providers and anyone that you deal with in an official or unofficial capacity.

Keep a copy of the signed Letter that was sent for your records.

A copy of the Letter will also be automatically stored in your Rocket Lawyer account ‘Dashboard’.

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