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Divorce Made Simple

Fixed fee divorce

from £250 +VAT

In association with

How it Works

Speak to a lawyer

Discuss your options

File your documents

How can Rocket Lawyer help?

  • How can I get a divorce?

    To get divorced in England and Wales, you need to have been married for more than a year and follow the divorce process.

    The divorce process consists of three main stages:

    • applying for divorce and responding to a divorce application - this can be a sole application or a joint application (ie the application can be made by one party alone, or by both parties together).

    • applying for a conditional order -  this is a document acknowledging that the court has received the statement about the marriage’s irretrievable breakdown and that they will allow the divorce to proceed. 

    • applying for a final order - 6 weeks and one day after the conditional order was issued by the court, you may apply for a final order. This is the official legal document that ends your marriage. The delay between the application stages is designed to allow you and your spouse time to discuss arrangements regarding children and finances. 

    For more information, read The divorce process.

  • What do I need to do before applying for a divorce?

    If you can sort out:

    • who gets what, in terms of finances and possessions

    • how you will both continue to look after children in the best possible way

    • why your marriage is over and the legal reasons that it’s over

    This may help smooth the process and save you money.

    If both of you can agree on matters regarding finances and children, getting a divorce is rather straightforward. If you make yourself aware of the various elements of the process and undertake all the admin, it is possible to get a divorce cheaply using a do-it-yourself method or online. You can divorce from £250+VAT with Rocket Lawyer. Web-based services usually include a degree of guidance from a divorce lawyer but are much cheaper than actually going to visit a solicitor.

  • What if I am in a civil partnership?

    You can apply to end (‘dissolve’) your civil partnership if you’ve been in the partnership for at least a year.

    For more information, read Separating from your spouse or civil partner.

  • What if I have been married or in a civil partnership for less than a year?

    If you have been married for less than a year, you can sign a Separation agreement with your spouse or civil partner, this will ensure that most of the practical matters are dealt with in advance of the divorce or dissolution.

  • What other steps do I need to take?

    Apart from applying for a divorce you may also have to: