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Register a domain name. |
Set up an email address and choose an email marketing platform to send your customers emails about their transactions and information about new products, services and promotions to potential and past buyers. Be sure you include legally required information (if applicable to your business) in emails with an Email footer and disclaimer. |
Understand the rules around cookies. |
Be sure to gain user consent to storing 'non-essential' cookies (eg analytics cookies) on their device through a popup or website banner. Consent to cookies must be freely given and should be given through a clear affirmative action, such as clicking an opt-in box or choosing settings or preferences on a settings menu. |
Use a Website privacy policy to tell users what personal data is being collected and how it is being used, what cookies are being used, why they are being used and what they’re doing. If you want a separate cookie policy (rather than including cookies in your privacy policy), consider creating a Cookie policy. |
If you handle personal electronic data or use cookies, be sure to know your legal obligations. |
Be sure to understand the laws and regulations around processing personal data, international transfers of personal data, your obligations when individuals make a data protection request, protecting personal data, reporting a data breach, obtaining user consent and complying with the GDPR. |
Make a Data protection policy to inform your employees how you use their data and what principles they must adhere to when handling personal data. |
Create Website terms of use so that you comply with the Electronic Commerce Regulations (even if you’re not selling goods or services on your website) and clearly set out key issues such as acceptable use, privacy, cookies, registration and passwords, intellectual property, links to other sites, termination and disclaimers of responsibility. |
If you sell goods or provide services to consumers, you should be aware of online business regulations and the extra protection awarded to consumers. |
If you sell goods or provide services to other businesses online, you’re exempt from the Consumer Contract Regulations but you’ll still have to comply with the Electronic Commerce Regulations. |
Prepare Terms and conditions which set out the arrangements, provisions, requirements, rules and specifications which occur in every transaction that you make. |
When marketing or advertising your products or services, whether that be on your website or not, make sure you’re aware of the laws and regulations that you should follow. |
You may use an affiliate programme (such as a social media influencer or another website) to direct leads or traffic to your website. Use an Affiliate agreement to lay out the basic terms of business, including the commission on subsequent sales, the placement and maintenance of links and ensure responsible and fair conduct when driving traffic to your website. |
International transfers of personal data
6 min read
Prize competitions and free draws
5 min read
5 min read