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Set terms for a residential lease in Michigan: Michigan Lease Agreement

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Other Names: Michigan Rental Agreement Michigan Lease Michigan Tenancy Agreement Michigan Rental Contract Michigan Rental Lease Agreement
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What is a Michigan Lease Agreement?

Simple to create, a Michigan Lease Agreement allows landlords to outline the terms connected to a tenancy. Making this contract may lower the risk of potential disputes down the road. When ready, you can tap or click on "Make document" to check out the Michigan Rental Contract sample. Suited for every residential property type, our rental agreement for Michigan can be used by landlords in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Warren, or any additional city or municipality in the Great Lakes State.

When to use a Michigan Lease Agreement:

  • You're leasing residential property to a tenant in Michigan.
  • You want to a rent a room to a tenant.
  • You want to lease residential property from a landlord who doesn't have a lease form.

Sample Michigan Lease Agreement

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Residential Lease Agreement


NOTICE: Michigan law establishes rights and obligations for parties to rental agreements. This agreement is required to comply with the Truth-in-Renting Act. If you have a question about the interpretation or legality of a provision of this agreement, you may want to seek assistance from a lawyer or other qualified person.


This Lease Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered on (the "Effective Date") by and between (the "Landlord") and the following tenants:



(the "Tenant")


Subject to the terms and conditions stated below the parties agree as follows:


. Property. Landlord, in consideration of the lease payments provided in this Agreement, leases to Tenant a house


. Term. This Agreement will begin on (the "Start Date") and will terminate on (the "Termination Date").


Tenant will vacate the Property upon termination of the Agreement, unless: (i) Landlord and Tenant have extended this Agreement in writing or signed a new agreement; (ii) mandated by local rent control law; or (iii) Landlord accepts Rent from Tenant (other than past due Rent), in which case a month-to-month tenancy will be created which either party may terminate All other terms and conditions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.


. Management.



. Rent. There will be no rent increases through the initial term of the lease. Landlord may increase the rent that will be paid during any month-to-month renewal period by providing at least 30 days written notice to Tenant.


Payments should be sent to:


Payment address: , or at such other place as Landlord may designate from time to time.


Payments can be made by using one of the following methods of payment:


Acceptable forms of payment:



Tenant agrees to submit rent payments by one of the methods above. In the event of roommates, or another form of joint or multiple occupancy, Tenant will be responsible for collecting payment from all parties and submitting a single payment to Landlord. Tenant is responsible for any payment made by mail and not received by the due date stated herein. Mailed payments must be received on or before the due date. Rent payments for any partial month will be pro-rated at the rate of 1/30th of the monthly rent payment per day.


. Failure to Pay. Tenant is hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on Tenant's credit history may be submitted to a credit reporting agency if Tenant fails to fulfill the terms of their credit obligations, such as their financial obligations under the terms of this Agreement.


. Occupants. The only persons who may live on the Property during the term of this Agreement are:




Tenant may have guests on the Property for not over consecutive days or days in a calendar year, and no more than two guests per bedroom at any one time. Persons staying more than consecutive days or more than days in any calendar year will NOT be considered original occupants of the Property. Tenant must obtain the prior written approval of Landlord if an invitee of Tenant will be present at the Property for more than consecutive days or days in a calendar year.


Note: If the Property is located in the city of East Lansing, the occupancy limit must be displayed on the license and posted in the premises. The city may fine violators $500 a day for over-occupancy.


. Possession. Tenant will be entitled to possession of the Property on the first day of the term of this Agreement, and will yield possession to Landlord on the last day of the term of this Agreement, unless otherwise agreed by both parties in writing. At the expiration of the term, Tenant will remove its goods and effects and peaceably yield up the Property to Landlord in as good a condition as when delivered to Tenant, ordinary wear and tear excepted.


. Use of Property. Tenant agrees to use the Property for residential purposes only and not for business, illegal, or hazardous purposes. Tenant may be evicted upon a seven (7) day Notice to Quit if the Tenant, member of Tenant's household, or other person under the Tenant's control, has manufactured, delivered, possessed with intent to deliver or possessed a controlled substance as defined by Michigan Public Act 368 of 1978, on the Property. Tenant shall not permit a use of the Property that generates an unusual amount of traffic.


- Sofa

- Stove

. Storage. Any personal property stored in the common areas of the Property will be removed without notice.


. Parking.


week. month.

. Roof/Fire Escapes. Use of the roof and/or the fire escapes by Tenants and/or guests is limited to emergency use only. No other use is permitted, including but not limited to, the placement of personal property.


. Pets. No pets, dogs, cats, birds or other animals are allowed on or about the Property, without Landlord's prior written consent, excepting guide, service, or signal dogs. Strays must not be kept or fed in or around the Property. If a pet has been on or allowed on the Property, even temporarily (with or without the Landlord's permission) Tenant may be charged for cleaning, de-fleaing, deodorizing, shampooing, or replacing any portion of the Property.


No pets larger than 20 lbs.

. Keys and Locks. Tenant will be given a set number of keys for the Property. If all keys are not returned to Landlord following termination of the Agreement, Tenant will be charged a monetary fee to replace the keys. If a security deposit was collected by the Landlord at the time of signing this Agreement, then such amount will be subtracted from the Security Deposit. Tenant is not permitted to change any lock or place additional locking devices on any door or window of the Property without Landlord's approval prior to installation. If allowed, Tenant must provide Landlord with keys to any changed lock immediately upon installation.


Pipe-Freeze Prevention. If the Tenant plans to be away from the Property for any length of time, the heat must be left on during the cold season and the windows closed to avoid broken pipes and water damage.


. Maintenance and Repairs.


. Utilities and Services.


. Default. Tenant will be in default of this Agreement if Tenant fails to comply with any material provisions of this Agreement by which Tenant is bound. Subject to any governing provisions of law to the contrary, if Tenant fails to cure any financial obligation (or any other obligation) after written notice of such default is provided by Landlord to Tenant, Landlord may elect to cure such default and the cost of such action will be added to Tenant's financial obligations under this Agreement. All sums of money or charges required to be paid by Tenant under this Agreement will be additional rent, whether or not such sums or charges are designated as "additional rent." The rights provided by this paragraph are cumulative in nature and are in addition to any other rights afforded by law.


. Military Termination. In the event, the Tenant is, or hereafter becomes, a member of the United States Armed Forces on extended active duty and hereafter the Tenant receives permanent change of station orders to depart from the area where the Property is located, or is relieved from active duty, retires or separates from the military, or is ordered into military housing, then in any of these events, the Tenant may terminate this lease upon giving thirty (30) days written notice to the Landlord. The Tenant will also provide to the Landlord a copy of the official orders or a letter signed by the Tenant's commanding officer, reflecting the change, which warrants termination under this provision. The Tenant will pay prorated rent for any days (he/she) occupy the dwelling past the first day of the month. Any security deposit will be promptly returned to the Tenant, provided there are no damages to the Property.


. Condition of Property. Tenant acknowledges receipt of two blank copies of an inventory checklist. Tenant must complete both checklists and return one to the Landlord within 7 days after the Tenant takes possession of the Property. Except for those items specifically notes by the Tenant in detail on the inventory checklist, Tenant accepts the Property, and the appliances and furnishings, in good condition. The inventory checklist is used only to assess damages is not a warranty or promise by Landlord that any item listed on the checklist, but not present on the Property, will be provided.


. Alterations and Improvements. Tenant will make no alterations to the buildings or improvements to the Property or construct any building or make any other improvements on the Property without the prior written consent of Landlord. Any and all alterations, changes, and/or improvements built, constructed or placed on the Property by Tenant will, unless otherwise provided by written agreement between Landlord and Tenant, be and become the property of Landlord and remain on the Property at the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement.


. Hazardous Materials. Tenant will not keep on the Property any item of a dangerous, flammable or explosive character that might unreasonably increase the danger of fire or explosion on the Property or that might be considered hazardous or extra hazardous by any responsible insurance company.


Smoke Detectors. Landlord must install smoke-detection devices as required by law. Once the tenancy begins, Tenant must regularly test the detectors to ensure that they are working. Tenant must never remove the battery from the smoke-detection device except when necessary to replace it. Tenant must inform the Landlord immediately, in writing, of any defect or malfunction in its operation.

. Damage to Property. If the Property is damaged or destroyed as to render it uninhabitable, then either Landlord or Tenant will have the right to terminate this Agreement as of the date on which such damage occurs, through written notice to the other party to be given within 20 days of occurrence of such damage. However, if such damage should occur as the result of the conduct or negligence of Tenants or Tenants' guests or invitees, Landlord will have the right to termination and Tenants will be responsible for all losses, including, but not limited to, damage and repair costs as well as loss of rental income.


. Landlord Access to Property. Landlord and Landlord's agents will have the right at all reasonable times during the term of this Agreement and any renewal thereof to enter the Property for the purpose of inspecting the Property and all buildings and improvements thereon. Tenant will make the Property available to Landlord or Landlord's agents for the purposes of making repairs or improvements, or to supply agreed services or show the Property to prospective buyers or tenants, or in case of emergency. Except in case of emergency, Landlord will give Tenant reasonable notice of intent to enter. For these purposes, twenty four (24) hour written notice will be deemed reasonable.


. Indemnity Regarding Use of Property. To the extent permitted by law, Tenant agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Landlord from and against any and all losses, claims, liabilities, and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, if any, which Landlord may suffer or incur in connection with Tenant's possession, use or misuse of the Property, except Landlord's act or negligence. Tenant hereby expressly releases Landlord and/or agent from any and all liability for loss or damage to Tenant's property or effects whether on the Property, garage, storerooms or any other location in or about the Property, arising out of any cause whatsoever, including but not limited to rain, plumbing leakage, fire or theft, except in the case that such damage has been adjudged to be the result of the gross negligence of Landlord, Landlord's employees, heirs, successors, assignees and/or agents.


. Accommodation. Landlord agrees to and is committed to complying with all applicable laws providing equal housing opportunities. To ensure compliance, Landlord will make reasonable accommodations for the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or a tenant, unless undue hardship would result. It is the applicant or tenants responsibility to make Landlord aware of any required accommodation. In writing, the individual with the disability should specify the nature and effect of the disability and any accommodation he or she needs. If after thoughtful consideration and evaluation, the accommodation is reasonable and will not impose an undue hardship, Landlord will make the accommodation. Landlord reserves the right to require appropriate medical verification of the disability.


. Compliance with Regulations. Tenant will promptly comply with all laws, ordinances, requirements and regulations of the federal, state, county, municipal and other authorities, and the fire insurance underwriters. However, Tenant will not by this provision be required to make alterations to the exterior of the building or alterations of a structural nature.


. Mechanics Liens. Neither Tenant nor anyone claiming through the Tenant will have the right to file mechanics liens or any other kind of lien on the Property and the filing of this Agreement constitutes notice that such liens are invalid. Further, Tenant agrees to (1) give actual advance notice to any contractors, subcontractors or suppliers of goods, labor, or services that such liens will not be valid, and (2) take whatever additional steps that are necessary in order to keep the Property free of all liens resulting from construction done by or for the Tenant.


. Subordination of Lease. This Agreement is subordinate to any mortgage that now exists, or may be given later by Landlord, with respect to the Property.


. Assignment and Subletting. Tenant may not assign or sublease any interest in the Property, nor assign, mortgage or pledge this Agreement, without the prior written consent of Landlord, which will not be unreasonably withheld.


. Notice. Notice under this Agreement will not be deemed valid unless given or served in writing and forwarded by mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the party at the appropriate address set forth below. Such addresses may be changed from time to time by either party by providing notice as set forth below. Notices mailed in accordance with these provisions will be deemed received on the third day after posting.


The name and address at which notice required under the Truth-in-Renting Act may be given to the Landlord is:




, ,




, , Michigan


Such addresses may be changed from time to time by any party by providing notice as set forth above.


Any controversies or disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement will be submitted to mediation in accordance with any statutory rules of mediation in the State of Michigan. If mediation is not successful in resolving the entire dispute or is unavailable, any outstanding issues will be submitted to final and binding arbitration in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan. The arbitrator's award will be final, and judgment may be entered upon it by any court having jurisdiction within the State of Michigan.

. Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed, construed and interpreted by, through and under the Laws of the State of Michigan.


. Waiver and Severability. The failure of either party to enforce any provisions of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof will, for any reason and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, neither the remainder of this Agreement nor the application of the provision to other persons, entities or circumstances will be affected thereby, but instead will be enforced to the maximum extent permitted by law.


. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence with respect to the execution of this Lease Agreement.


. Estoppel Certificate. Tenant will execute and return a tenant estoppel certificate delivered to Tenant by Landlord or Landlord's agent within three (3) days after its receipt. Failure to comply with this requirement will be deemed Tenant's acknowledgment that the estoppel certificate is true and correct, and may be relied upon by a lender or purchaser.


. Entire Agreement. This document constitutes the entire Agreement between the Tenant and Landlord. This Agreement cannot be modified except in writing and must be signed by all parties. Neither Landlord nor Tenant have made any promises or representations, other than those set forth in this Agreement and those implied by law. The failure of Tenant or its guests or invitees to comply with any term of this Agreement is grounds for termination of the tenancy, with appropriate notice to Tenants and procedures as required by law.


. Application. Tenant represents and warrants that all statements in Tenant's rental application are accurate. Any misrepresentations will be considered a material breach of this Agreement and may subject Tenant to eviction. Tenant authorizes Landlord and any broker to obtain Tenant's credit report periodically during the tenancy in connection with the modification or enforcement of this Lease. Landlord reserves the right to terminate this Agreement (i) before occupancy begins, (ii) upon disapproval of the credit report(s), or (iii) at any time, upon discovering that information in Tenant's application is false.


. Binding Effect. The provisions of this Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of parties and their respective legal representatives, successors and assigns.







Tenant   Landlord





Each person who signs this Lease Agreement acknowledges, by their signature, that they have read it, understand it, and voluntarily agree to it. Further, each person is mentally competent and 18 years or older.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landlord and Tenant have executed this Agreement in the manner prescribed by law as of the Effective Date.





By: Date:






By: Date:



Michigan Lease Agreement

Inspection Checklist


MICHIGAN RESIDENTS: You should complete this checklist, noting the condition of the rental property, and return it to the landlord within 7 days after obtaining possession of the rental unit. You are also entitled to request and receive a copy of the last termination inventory checklist which shows what claims were chargeable to the last prior tenants.


Address:  , , Michigan


Tenant has inspected the Property and states that the Property is in satisfactory condition, free of defects, except as noted below:


Satisfactory  Comments




Cupboards _______ ____________________________________

Floor ceiling _______ ____________________________________

Walls and ceiling _______ ____________________________________

Counter surfaces _______ ____________________________________

Stove and oven _______ ____________________________________

Refrigerator _______ ____________________________________

Garbage disposal _______ ____________________________________

Windows _______ ____________________________________

Doors _______ ____________________________________

Light fixtures _______ ____________________________________


Living Room


Floor covering _______ ____________________________________

Walls and ceiling _______ ____________________________________

Windows _______ ____________________________________

Doors _______ ____________________________________

Light fixtures _______ ____________________________________


Hallways or Other Areas


Floor covering _______ ____________________________________

Walls and ceiling _______ ____________________________________

Closets _______ ____________________________________

Light fixtures _______ ____________________________________

Furnace _______ ____________________________________

Air conditioner _______ ____________________________________

Patio or deck _______ ____________________________________

Yard _______ ____________________________________

Other (specify) _______ ____________________________________





By: ___________________________________ Date: __________________


Acknowledged by Landlord:



By: ___________________________________ Date: __________________


(i) __X__ Known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards are present in the housing (explain):

(i) _____ Landlord has provided the Tenant with all available records and reports pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing (list documents): ______________________________________________


(ii)__X__ Landlord has no reports or records pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing.

Michigan Lease Agreement FAQs

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  • Is my Michigan Rental Agreement legally binding under state law?

    As with any other legal agreement, Michigan Lease Agreements are not legally binding until they are signed by the landlord and tenant(s). Unlike many other sites that you might come across, Rocket Lawyer offers more than a blank Michigan Lease Agreement template or fillable PDF that you could obtain elsewhere. If the lessee refuses to pay or there is a different problem related to your Michigan Residential Lease Agreement, your membership provides the optional benefit of Document Defense® protection.

  • What if I opt not to write a Michigan Rental Contract?

    Even if you are offering the rental as a favor, it is important to capture in writing the details of your commitments to those renting from you. Making this document will most likely be helpful due to the benefits shown here:

    • Rent requirements are clearly defined
    • Roles and responsibilities are understood by all
    • The length of the rental period is established

    If you choose not to use this document, neither party will experience the protections that come along with having one in place.

  • How is a Lease Agreement template for Michigan usually structured?

    The specific details that you should plan to add to your document are:

    • The address and description of your property
    • The full name of each inhabitant
    • What the start and end dates are for the lease
    • How payments will be made
    • What type of utilities or services are included

    As you would expect, the Michigan Lease Agreements that you build with Rocket Lawyer also include policies about smoking, invited visitors, animals, past due payments, and moving out before the lease ends. While making your rental contract, you'll also be able to include information about furnishings, maintenance procedures, and insurance requirements. Using the Rocket Lawyer document tool, you have the ability to implement more personalization, as necessary.

  • How do I draft a custom Michigan Rental Agreement online for free?

    Fortunately, you don't have to reinvent the wheel to put your agreement in writing. When using Rocket Lawyer, you should feel empowered to create a free Michigan Lease Agreement with ease. Your agreement will be assembled piece by piece as you provide more details along the way. Ordinarily, given the level of personalization, you might ultimately end up paying a conventional attorney a few hundred dollars, if not more, in fees.

  • Will there be any additional actions that I will need to take once I have created my Michigan Residential Lease Agreement?

    In order to finalize your Michigan Lease Agreement, it must be signed and the tenant should get copies of the final agreement. You can use RocketSign® to handle this process. With a Premium membership, you also may save it as a Word or PDF document, make a copy, and/or print it as necessary. You might also like to explore our larger repository of contracts and other documents for property owners .

  • How do Michigan rental laws affect my lease contracts?

    In Michigan, your residential lease might have some additional requirements. For example, Michigan state law limits the amount of the security deposit to one and a half month's rent. Additionally, as a landlord, you are required by law to give the tenant the name and address of the bank where their deposit is being held. That said, rental laws are continually evolving and they may vary by city or municipality. If you have any questions or concerns related to Michigan rental laws, you can connect with an attorney today. It can depend on whom you contact, but quite often some lawyers may not even accept requests to review your rental contract if they didn't write it. A better approach worth consideration is to go through attorney services at Rocket Lawyer. With a Premium membership, you will be able to request guidance from an experienced attorney or send additional legal questions about your Michigan Rental Contract. We are here to support you.

  • Is Michigan a good state to become a landlord in?

    The response to this question is somewhat subjective; but, regardless of where you are, there are several items to contemplate as you decide whether or not investing in rental property is right for you. These include the following: mandatory disclosures, the scope of tenants' rights, any restrictions on deposits or pet rent, and, finally, how difficult an eviction may be if there is a conflict. This being said, Michigan is the home of tourist destinations like the Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation, the Detroit Zoo, and the Motown Museum as well as schools like the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, and Michigan Technological University, so you won't have any shortage of potential short- or long-term visitors and tenants if you're nearby.

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