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Allow someone to cast an HOA vote on your behalf: Homeowners' Association Proxy

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+6 moreOther Names: HOA Proxy Homeowner's Association Voting Proxy Homeowners' Association Proxy Form HOA Proxy Form
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What is a Homeowners' Association Proxy?

A Homeowners' Association Proxy allows someone else to vote for you in the event you can't make a homeowners' meeting. Assigning a proxy helps you maintain your interests and also helps the meeting itself move forward without worry over an absent member. When you can't be there, a Homeowners' Association Proxy helps get your voice heard. 
When you can't be there in person, a Homeowners' Association Proxy can let you vote. Maybe there's an issue on the table you really care about: like changes to quiet hours or the introduction of a neighborhood watch - but what if you'll be out of town? What if you have other obligations? As long as you have a proxy you can see to your prior engagements while maintaining your vote. You also want to make sure your proxy is voting how you'd like; after all, they're representing you. Having the agreement in writing can help you avoid issues and help your proxy remember exactly what your stance is on each important issue. Using a Homeowners' Association Proxy can help you participate in meetings even when you can't attend.

When to use a Homeowners' Association Proxy:

  • You want to vote at a homeowners' meeting, but can't be there.
  • You need to tell your proxy how to vote.
  • You'd like to ensure the meeting makes quorum.

Sample Homeowners' Association Proxy

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the undersigned (the ""), of , , , is entitled to vote at any special or annual meeting of .


The undersigned designate(s) and appoint(s) (the "Proxy") of , , , as the Proxy for the .


By this designation of proxy, the Proxy may attend and represent the with the full power to vote and act for the in the same manner, to the extent and with the same effect as if the were personally present.


This designation revokes any prior designation of proxy that the may have given previously with respect to the 's ownership interest in .


This designation of proxy shall be effective Annual Special


The Proxy shall have the full power, as the 's substitute, to represent the and vote on all issues and motions that are properly presented at the meeting(s) for which this designation of proxy is effective. The Proxy shall have the authority to vote entirely at the discretion of the Proxy.


Date of Signing:


















_____ The Homeowners' Association Proxy document should be signed and dated by . The Proxy need only be signed by the owner who has been designated as the representative or by the designated voter of the residential unit, even if the unit is jointly owned.

_____ The Homeowner's Association Proxy document should be signed by and . The Proxy need only be signed by the owner(s) who have been designated as the representatives or by the designated voter(s) of the residential unit, even if the unit is jointly owned.



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