Advise the DMV of fraudulent activity: Request to Place a Fraud Alert on a Drivers License

What is a Request to Place a Fraud Alert on a Drivers License?
Putting in a Request to Place a Fraud Alert on a Drivers License works a little differently than other alerts. It's not quite like fraud alerts on a credit card, bank account, or for a phone bill as every state works differently. Check with your local DMV to see what steps to take. No matter what the protocol is, it can be helpful to follow up with a letter. You have to be sure that the fraud alert is in effect, otherwise you may still be vulnerable. Thieves can use your driver's license for many things, make sure there's a warning on your file with a Request to Place a Fraud Alert on a Drivers License.
When to use a Request to Place a Fraud Alert on a Drivers License:
- You want to let the DMV know about possible fraudulent activity.
- You're following up from a phone call with the DMV.
- You need to confirm that the DMV put a warning on your file.
Sample Request to Place a Fraud Alert on a Drivers License
The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

Department of Motor Vehicles
Re: Fraudulent Use of Driver's License
This letter confirms the conversation that I had with about an identity theft incident and my concern with possible fraudulent use of my driver's license. During that conversation, I requested that the Department of Motor Vehicles place a fraud alert on my current license to protect against any suspicious activity regarding my license. I am now providing the documentation that is needed in order to place the fraud alert. The license number on my card is .
Enclosed are copies of the following documents, evidencing the identify theft incident:
Please provide written confirmation that you have taken the requested action. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. (preferred) or (alternate)
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.