Notify authorities that your mail has been stolen: Letter to Report Mail Theft

What is a Letter to Report Mail Theft?
Sending a Letter to Report Mail Theft can help get an investigation started. You have valuable things sitting in your mailbox: your gifts, checks, and your personal information are all there. It might take awhile before you realize your mail has been stolen, but when you do you'll probably need to take action. Getting the post office involved is a much better option than trying to remedy the situation yourself. After all, while you already depend on the post office to deliver your mail, they're also there to help you get your packages back if they've been taken. A Letter to Report Mail Theft can help you get your mail back and prevent future thefts.
When to use a Letter to Report Mail Theft:
- To notify your local postal inspector of mail theft.
- You want to confirm your earlier conversation with the office.
- You want to provide the office with a completed Mail Theft and Vandalism Complaint Form.
- You want to request that an investigation be conducted by the inspector's office.
Sample Letter to Report Mail Theft
The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

Re: Mail Theft
I have recently been the victim of a mail theft incident. I contacted to report the mail theft and obtain a Mail Theft and Vandalism Complaint form. The original copy of the completed complaint form is enclosed with this letter.
I am requesting that your office conduct a thorough investigation into this mail theft incident. Please keep me updated and provide me with the results of this investigation.
Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. (preferred) or (alternate)
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.