Notify your credit card company of a missing card: Letter to Report a Lost or Stolen Credit Card

What is a Letter to Report a Lost or Stolen Credit Card?
Getting a Letter to Report a Lost or Stolen Credit Card filed helps you cancel the card that's missing, and receive a new one. As you might depend on your card for everyday purchases, and want to benefit from miles or other perks, making sure your card is secure is important. A Letter to Report a Lost or Stolen Credit Card lets you formally tell the credit card company what happened.
When to use a Credit Card Lost or Stolen:
- You need to report a lost or stolen credit card.
- You want a replacement card quickly.
Sample Letter to Report a Lost or Stolen Credit Card
The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

Dear Sir or Madam:
to cancel the following credit card(s) in my name because it has been
Card name:
Account number:
Expiration Date:
on . Please inform me of any charges made to my account on or after .
Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. or
Thank you for your help in handling this matter.