Evaluate your applicants' finances Request for Monthly Bank Statements

What is a Request for Monthly Bank Statements?
There are a myriad of reasons why you might need a hard copy of your bank statements, and a Request for Monthly Bank Statements is often the first step in getting them. Maybe you need to provide proof of direct deposit for a car loan or to rent an apartment, maybe you just like getting those monthly transactions in writing, or maybe you suspect fraud and want to check in on your account statements. You have a right to paper statements. And if you lost them, you have a right to get new copies. A Request for Monthly Bank Statements is a direct way to get ahold of the information you need.
When to use a Request for Monthly Bank Statements:
- You suspect fraudulent activity in your bank account.
- Your bank went paperless, but you still want hard copies.
- You've lost your statements.
- You need proof of a bank account or direct deposits.
Sample Request for Monthly Bank Statements
The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

Re: Request Bank Statements
The purpose of this letter is to request past bank account statements. I would like to review my statements for possible fraudulent activity and need statements from to .
Account # |
The name on the account(s) is .
check money order
Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. (preferred) or (alternate)