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Appoint a healthcare agent in Oklahoma: Oklahoma Medical Power of Attorney

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Other Names: Oklahoma Healthcare POA Oklahoma Healthcare Power of Attorney Oklahoma Medical POA Oklahoma Healthcare Proxy
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What is an Oklahoma Medical Power of Attorney?

An Oklahoma Medical Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives a selected individual or organization permission to make healthcare decisions on your behalf, such as requesting or refusing a medical treatment, when you cannot do so. 
The person giving permission is known as the "principal," and the person or entity receiving authority is known as the "agent." Suited for Oklahoma residents, this Power of Attorney for health care can be used in Adair County, Alfalfa County, Atoka County, and in any other part of the state. All Oklahoma Healthcare PoA forms from Rocket Lawyer can be personalized for your unique scenario. Creating this essential document provides verification to healthcare institutions and other parties that your selected agent can make choices for you.

When to use an Oklahoma Medical Power of Attorney:

  • You have declining health or are otherwise concerned about your medical care and want to be protected.
  • You'd like to officially appoint a trusted person to act on your behalf if you're incapacitated in the future.

Sample Oklahoma Medical Power of Attorney

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I, , being of sound mind and eighteen (18) years of age or older, willfully and voluntarily make known my desire, by my instructions to others by my appointment of a health care Proxy, that my life shall not be artificially prolonged under the circumstances set forth below. I thus do hereby declare:




If my attending physician and another physician determine that I am no longer able to make decisions regarding my medical treatment, I direct my attending physician and other health care providers, pursuant to the Oklahoma Rights of the Terminally Ill or Persistently Unconscious Act, to follow the instructions of:






whom I appoint as my health care proxy. If my health care proxy is unwilling to serve, I appoint:


Alternate Proxy:




as my alternate health care proxy with the same authority. My health care proxy is authorized to make whatever medical treatment decisions I could make if I were able, except that decisions regarding life-sustaining treatment can be made by my health care proxy only as I indicate in this document.




Declarant Initials


If any provision in this document is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions which can be given effect without the invalid provision, and to this end the directions in this document are severable.


In the absence of my ability to give directions regarding the use of life-sustaining procedures, it is my intention that this healthcare power of attorney shall be honored by my family and physicians as the final expression of my legal right to refuse medical or surgical treatment including, but not limited to the administration of any life-sustaining procedures and I accept the consequences of such refusal.


This healthcare power of attorney shall be in effect until it is revoked. I understand that I may revoke this power of attorney at any time. I understand and agree that if I have any prior healthcare power of attorney, and if I sign this one, my prior healthcare power of attorney are revoked. I understand the full importance of this healthcare power of attorney and I am emotionally and mentally competent to make this power of attorney.


Signed this ____ day of _______________, _____.



Declarant Signature:________________________________________







This healthcare power of attorney was signed in my presence. Each of us is at least eighteen (18) years of age or older, and neither of us is a legatee, devisee, or heir at law of the Declarant.




Witness Signature: ________________________________________




Witness Signature: ________________________________________


Oklahoma Medical Power of Attorney FAQs

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  • How can I get Medical Power of Attorney in Oklahoma?

    It is fast and easy to grant or receive the support you might need using a free Oklahoma Medical Power of Attorney template from Rocket Lawyer:

    1. Make your PoA - Answer a few questions and we will do the rest
    2. Send and share - Go over the PoA with your agent or get legal advice
    3. Sign it - Mandatory or not, notarization and witnesses are encouraged

    This solution will often end up being much less time-consuming than finding and working with your average law firm. If needed, you may fill out this Medical PoA on behalf of your spouse, an elderly parent, or another relative, and then have them sign when ready. Please note that for a PoA form to be legally valid, the principal must be a mentally competent adult when they sign. If the principal has already been declared incompetent, a conservatorship might be required. When facing this scenario, it would be best to talk to a lawyer .

  • Do I need to have a Power of Attorney for healthcare in Oklahoma?

    Everyone over 18 years old ought to have a Medical Power of Attorney. Even though it may be tough to think about, a day may come when you are no longer able to make healthcare decisions on your own. Here are some common situations in which you may consider a PoA to be useful:

    • You have been diagnosed with a terminal illness
    • You are undergoing a medical procedure requiring anesthesia
    • You intend to move into a community care facility
    • You are aging or dealing with ongoing health issues

    Whether this Oklahoma Medical Power of Attorney is being drafted as part of a long-term plan or made in response to an urgent issue, notarization and witnesses are strongly encouraged for protecting your document if its authenticity is challenged by a third party.

  • What is the difference between an Oklahoma Healthcare Proxy and an Oklahoma Medical Power of Attorney?

    Sometimes, when discussing the topics of estate planning or elder care with medical or legal professionals, you may find that the terms "healthcare power of attorney", "medical power of attorney" and "healthcare proxy" are used together. In short, they're the same. That said, you should keep in mind that it is possible to get power of attorney over affairs that are not health-related, in which case, "proxy" typically is not the preferred term.

  • Should I work with an attorney for my Oklahoma Medical PoA?

    Oklahoma Medical PoA forms are typically easy to make; however, you or your agent might have questions. Seeking out a lawyer to review your Oklahoma Medical Power of Attorney might be time-intensive and relatively expensive. A more cost-effective option would be through Rocket Lawyer attorney services. If you sign up for a Premium membership, you can get your documents reviewed or send any questions. As always, you can rest assured that Rocket Lawyer will be here for you.

  • How much would it normally cost for an attorney to help me get a Power of Attorney form for health care in Oklahoma?

    The fees associated with hiring and working with an attorney to create a Medical Power of Attorney might range anywhere between $200 and $500, based on your location. When you use Rocket Lawyer, you are not just filling out a Power of Attorney template. In case you ever require help from a lawyer, your Premium membership offers up to 40% in savings when you hire an attorney.

  • Am I required to do anything else after I create an Oklahoma Medical Power of Attorney?

    With a Premium membership, you will be able to make edits, save it as a Word document or PDF file, and/or print it out. To make your PoA into a truly legal document, you will need to sign it. Take care to ensure that your agent(s), care providers, and other impacted parties receive a copy of your fully executed document.

  • Does a Medical Power of Attorney need to be notarized, witnessed, and/or recorded in Oklahoma?

    The specific guidelines and restrictions will be different by state; however, in Oklahoma, your document will need to be signed by two witnesses. Your witnesses should not include your spouse, adopted children, relatives, heirs, or any other beneficiary. As a basic rule, your witness(es) must not be under 18 years old, and none should also be designated as your PoA agent.

    See Oklahoma Medical/Healthcare Power of Attorney law: § 63-3101

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