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Find out if you have any FBI or CIA records: Letter to Request FBI or CIA Records

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Other Names: CIA Records Request FBI Records Request Open Records Request Agency Records Request Intelligence Records Request
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What is a Letter to Request FBI or CIA Records?

An Letter to Request FBI or CIA Records is a formal request to receive any information the two agencies have about you. Whether you're applying for a high-security job or even if you're just curious, it's probably a good idea to ensure all the information about you is correct. A Request FBI or CIA Records serves as a first step in that process. 
If the FBI or CIA have records on you they'd better be accurate. You can double check with a FBI or CIA Records Request Letter. Maybe you don't know what your records include, or maybe you don't know if you have a record at all. You might have worked for a government agency for years or maybe there's another reason why these agencies are keeping records about you. Either way, it's information about you - and you probably want to know what it says. Like a credit report, having the wrong information on there could cause some issues; so stay on top of things and make sure the information is accurate. A Letter to Request FBI or CIA Records can help you get the information you want quickly.

When to use a Letter to Request FBI or CIA Records:

  • You wish to determine if the FBI or the CIA has any information about you in their records.
  • You want to review any information in the records of the FBI or the CIA to verify its accuracy.

Sample Letter to Request FBI or CIA Records

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Federal Bureau of Investigation

FOIPA Section


935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20535-0001


Dear FOIPA Coordinator:


The purpose of this letter is to request information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. section 552, and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. section 552a.


Please furnish me with copies of all records about me, which are retrievable through the use of an individual identifier and through the use of any combination of identifiers. In order to identify these records and to facilitate your research of the records systems, I am providing the following information:




Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:




If any part or all of my records are withheld under an FOIA exemption, please provide a list of the information withheld and mark any deleted sections. Please provide the specific exemptions that form the basis for any deletion from a record or the complete withholding of a record.


Please provide me with an itemized statement of the applicable fees. If search and copying fees are estimated to exceed , please contact me before proceeding with this request.


Please contact me if you have questions or need additional information. or . .


As provided for by section 552(a)(6)(A)(i) of the Freedom of Information Act, I expect to receive a reply within twenty (20) business days.


Thank you for your prompt attention to this request.








STATE OF __________________________________,

COUNTY OF ____________________________, ss:






Notary Public


My commission expires:


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