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Confirm a lost lending document under oath: Affidavit of Lost Note

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Other Names: Affidavit of Lost Promissory Note Affidavit of Missing Note
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What is an Affidavit of Lost Note?

An Affidavit of Lost Note is a legal document that can be used to confirm under oath that a Promissory Note or other lending document has been lost. If the original copy of your lending document was destroyed, lost, or stolen, you can use this Affidavit to outline the entire original agreement, so that you can protect your interests and responsibilities. You'll want to include information like: the name of the original note, and when it was signed; the name of the debtor; what property was offered as security for the note; the amount and interest rate on the original note; the payment schedule and history of the original; the outstanding balance on the note, as of a given date; and any other documentation showing proof of the original note.

When to use an Affidavit of Lost Note:

  • The original copy of your note was destroyed, lost, or stolen and you, as Lender, need to furnish satisfactory evidence of the existence of the note.

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Affidavit of Lost Note








I , residing at , , , being of legal age, depose and say that:


1. I am the owner of the dated secured by executed by , , , and recorded in ,, in , .


2. The note has been lost, misplaced, or destroyed and after the exercise or due diligence, the same cannot be located.


3. The note is in the amount of , with interest of % per annum. The Note provides for payments, beginning on and continuing thereafter until , when all remaining principal and interest is due. The outstanding balance on the note as of is which is inclusive of interest.


4. is the current holder of the Note and the Note, nor any part thereof, has not been assigned to any other person or entity.


5. A copy of the Note is attached hereto and it is a true and correct copy of the original Note.


  Oath or Affirmation


I certify under penalty of perjury under law that I know the contents of this affidavit signed by me and that the statements are true and correct.



____________________________________ ______________________________


By ,



STATE OF ss:, ss:


Affidavit of Lost Note FAQs

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  • How do I write an Affidavit of Lost Note Form online?

    It is quick and easy to get what you need using a free Affidavit of Lost Note template from Rocket Lawyer:

    1. Make the document - Provide a few basic details and we will do the rest
    2. Send and share - Discuss it with an attorney, if needed
    3. Sign it - Sign your Affidavit and make it legal

    Any Affidavit of Lost Note Form from Rocket Lawyer can be tailored to address your unique scenario. To start, tap or click "Make document". Your Affidavit will be built step by step so you can be certain that it has all of the relevant details that you'll need.

  • Do I need to hire an attorney for my Affidavit of Lost Note?

    Writing an Affidavit of Lost Note is typically easy to do, but you might still have questions. It will vary depending on whom you ask, but sometimes a lawyer will not even agree to review a document that they didn't work on. A more favorable approach would be to request help from Rocket Lawyer attorney services. By becoming a Premium member, you have the ability to request advice from an attorney with relevant experience or ask additional legal questions about your Affidavit. Rocket Lawyer is here to support you.

  • What would I typically have to pay for a lawyer to help me make an Affidavit of Lost Note?

    The cost of meeting and hiring a legal provider to make an Affidavit of Lost Note might add up to anywhere from $200 to $1,000, depending on where you are located and how complicated the matter might be. Unlike many other sites you may come across, Rocket Lawyer offers more than Affidavit templates. If you ever need assistance from a lawyer, your Premium membership offers up to a 40% discount when you hire an attorney from our network.

  • Would I need to do anything else after I have drafted my Affidavit of Lost Note?

    After creating this Affidavit, you will have the ability to retrieve it anytime, anywhere. You should feel free to interact with your document in any of these ways: editing it, saving it as a Word document or PDF file, and signing it. Attached to each Affidavit of Lost Note Form, there also is a set of helpful tips to follow while finalizing your document.

  • Does an Affidavit of Lost Note Form need to be notarized or witnessed?

    Yes, an Affidavit of Lost Note Form must be signed by a notary public. Witnesses are not required.

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