Confirm you are a current enrolled student: Confirmation of Enrollment

What is a Confirmation of Enrollment?
When you use a Confirmation of Enrollment, you're affirming that you're a college student. You might need it to get a better deal on an insurance policy. This document requests a letter from your college or university to release proof of where you stand as a student. Sometimes, only students taking a certain amount of credits qualify for policies. A Confirmation of Enrollment can help demonstrate that you're in school, and thus eligible for the health insurance, or other assistance or discounts you may need.
When to use a Confirmation of Enrollment:
- You need to provide proof of student status for an insurance policy.
- You've been asked for enrollment evidence for a scholarship, fellowship, or to get a discount.
- You want to allow your college or university to release your information.
Sample Confirmation of Enrollment
The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

Office of the Registrar
Dear Registrar:
Please send written confirmation that has been formally enrolled as a full-time student at for the This information is needed in order to verify that is eligible to be covered under our family insurance policy.
Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. or
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and prompt attention to this matter.