Notify an employee of their demotion: Demotion Letter

What is a Demotion Letter?
You hope you'll never have to make that difficult choice to demote an employee but it happens. A Demotion Letter is a formal letter from an employer notifying an employee of the decision to demote the employee's position within the company. The Letter of Demotion usually contains an effective date, the employee's new title and a revised salary, if applicable. A Demotion Letter officially informs the employee of the reason(s) behind the downgrade within the company. Most demotions are in response to an employee's behavior or poor work performance. Company restructuring is also a cause for demotion. As an employer (or supervisor) a Demotion Letter will serve as a record of the official action being taken. A copy will go into the employee's file and may be used to establish a pattern of behavior should the employee later be fired.
When to use a Demotion Letter:
- You're Notifing an employee they're being demoted.
- You want to create a record of an employee's demotion.
- You would like to establish cause for firing an employee, such as performance, poor behavior, or company restructuring.
Sample Demotion Letter
The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

From: ,
Re: Demotion
This letter is to inform you that effective , you are being demoted to in accordance with Company policies.This action is being taken as a result of .
By: | Date: |
Acknowledgment of Receipt:
By: | Date: |