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What is a Vaccination Policy?

A Vaccination Policy is useful for employers to reduce the risk of transmitting vaccine-preventable viruses and diseases in the workplace and community. If your company is in an industry that requires frequent contact with others, a Vaccination Policy can help keep everyone safe and let anyone working with you know what to expect as far as health and safety in the workplace. This policy can also be used to detail vaccination exemptions and consequences of noncompliance within your company.

Sample Vaccination Policy

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The purpose of this policy is to minimize transmission of viruses in the workplace by providing protection to workers and preventing community transmission. The following vaccinations will be required for :


• Covid-19


This policy is effective as of .



(the "Organization") requires that all of the following individuals maintain up-to-date vaccinations to protect the health and safety of personnel, visitors, and the community from infection:



which workers must provide immediately upon the Company's request.


Procedures for Obtaining the Vaccine

not not

All individuals must abide by the vaccination schedule approved by their licensed healthcare professional.


at least prior to their start date.

Exemptions from Vaccination

Only individuals meeting the conditions listed below will be exempt from vaccinations:


• Individuals with severe (life-threatening) allergies to components of the vaccine. Documentation from a licensed healthcare provider is required.


• Additional conditions which may exist as certified by a licensed healthcare provider.


Any individual who meets these conditions and still desires to get the vaccine should discuss the matter with a primary healthcare provider. If the provider administers the vaccination, the individual must provide documentation of the vaccination to .


in writing.

Verification of Conditions

will review any exemption documentation and follow up as needed to the licensed healthcare provider.


Consequences for Noncompliance

Individuals without documentation of vaccination or valid exemption will be considered noncompliant with vaccination requirements.


suspend the individual according to the following: . the individual will be suspended according to the following: .


Acknowledgement of Receipt


I, the undersigned, acknowledge that I have been provided with a copy of this Vaccination Policy, which contains important information about vaccination requirements and possible disciplinary measures.


I understand that by signing this policy I am agreeing to abide by the policies listed herein.



By: Date:

Vaccination Policy FAQs

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  • When should I have a Vaccination Policy?

    Use the Vaccination Policy if:

    • You are an employer who wants to provide your workers with guidance on workplace health and safety
    • Your business is in an industry that requires interaction in the workplace and community
    • You would like to formally document your vaccine requirements and exemption process
  • What are the benefits of having a Vaccination Policy?

    Making a Vaccination Policy helps your employees and community members understand your guidelines for health and safety. All individuals working for the business should understand the policy and remain in compliance with its provisions unless they have a qualified exemption. As an employer, you can tailor the Vaccination Policy to best fit the needs of your business and stay up to date with health information provided by reputable sources.

  • Can employers require employees to get vaccinated?

    According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the answer to this question is generally yes, with exemptions to be considered. Commonly accepted exemptions include medical and religious reasons. If you are unsure about mandating a specific vaccine, ask a lawyer .

  • Can employers require proof of vaccination?

    Yes, employers may require proof of vaccination. That said, when making a request for proof, employers should be cautious of asking probing medical questions. Employers may also want to warn employees not to provide any medical information as part of the requested proof. If you are unsure about how to request proof of vaccination, an employment lawyer can help. Any employer who is requiring proof of vaccination should also have an exemption process in place for individuals who are unable to be vaccinated for medical or religious reasons. A Vaccine Exemption Form can be useful for that purpose.

  • Can an employee be fired for not getting vaccinated?

    Employers, in most cases, have the right to fire an employee for not getting vaccinated if that is a condition for their employment. Employers must still take into account religious and medical exemptions, and consider any appropriate accommodations, before making such a decision. As noted, exceptions do apply, so it is important to talk to a lawyer about your specific situation.

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