Plan for emergencies and keep business operating: Business Contingency Plan

What is a Business Contingency Plan?
Also called a Business Continuity Plan, Making a plan for business continuity can help you and your staff feel well-equipped when facing emergency situations. A Business Contingency Plan should cover minor business disruptions as well as large-scale emergencies or actual threats. For example, it should cover cybersecurity threats, pandemics, natural disasters, etc. Anything that can displace your business virtually or physically should be covered.
Before you make your Business Contingency Plan, it's helpful to do a business impact analysis. You can prioritize business functions, identify the resources needed, and plan out the detailed procedures and logistics in a successful recovery plan for any given emergency.
When to use a Business Contingency Plan:
- You are a business owner who wants to plan for emergencies and create a resource guide.
- You have been asked by someone in your organization to create a disaster relief plan.
- You have finished making a business impact analysis and want to take another step to prepare your business.
Sample Business Contingency Plan
The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

Last Revised on:
Prepared by:
Program Adminstration
. | Scope and Objectives |
The purpose of this is to have an executable plan for in case of emergency.
. | Operation at Risk |
The following operations are at risk, and the recovery team will attempt to restore the functions in order of highest priority based on business impact. The impact description is listed to guide the recovery team on restoring full business functionality.
Operational description:
Business impact:
. | Recovery Strategy |
The following are recovery strategies to be enacted for certain events:
Triggering event: Natural Disaster
. | Governance |
In the event of an emergency, the recovery team is responsible for maintaining business continuity and acting upon this to ensure minimal business interruption.
Recovery team lead
Phone number:
Description of responsibilities:
Alternate team lead
Phone number:
Description of responsibilities:
The following are the current team members on the recovery team:
Representative Name:
Phone number:
Description of responsibilities:
The employee in charge of customer communications on the current status of recovery is:
Phone number:
. | Internal Strategy |
The following team member is responsible for updating the other employees of about ongoing business updates:
Role in the organization:
Phone number:
. | Review and Testing |
This will be reviewed every . This will be tested every .