Drive website traffic by requesting website links: Request to Link to Website

What is a Request to Link to Website?
Everyone wants to drive traffic to their site. Using a Request for Link to Website can help improve the quality of your links and foster link exchanges, benefitting everyone. It can be tough to woo a prominent site owner into advertising for you - which is just what they're doing when they post your link. Or maybe you'd like to feature someone else's link on your site. But it's also important that a site doesn't read like spam. Stuffing a site with too many links, or links that don't make sense, turns your website into junk. You don't want to ask a dog food company to link to your dating website. However, when you choose the right web partners, it's a win-win for both of you. Using a Request for Link to Website can help get your links on the most appropriate sites.
When to use a Request to Link to Website:
- You want to make arrangements for establishing a link from your website to the website of another party.
Sample Request to Link to Website
The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

Re: 's Website: |
's Website:
The purpose of this request is to describe our website and to obtain permission for a link to your website . More specifically, we wish to establish a hypertext reference link on our website that allows users to access your URL - from our URL - .
We understand that this arrangement does not convey to us any rights to copy, retransmit, and/or sell any materials that appear at your URL. We will not include any materials on our website that imply that you are endorsing our website or its contents.
We understand that there will be no charge for linking to your website or its information.
Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. or
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.