Request bids for a speciific project: Invitation to Bid

What is an Invitation to Bid?
Once you have completed the Invitation to Bid, you can send it out as a letter to contractors who have the necessary experience for the project. It details the description of the building, where it is located, the terms and conditions of the bid, and the deadline for bid acceptance. With an Invitation to Bid, you can specify the terms, conditions, and requirements, so that you can help ensure that the criteria that is essential for you is met by those contractors who end up submitting a bid.
When to use an Invitation to Bid:
- You own a business, are planning a new building, and want to invite bids from contractors.
- You're a contractor and want to bid on a project.
- Your company's HR department utilizes contractors, and it's time to update the documents.
Sample Invitation to Bid
The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide

Invitation to Bid
Re: Invitation to Submit Bid for owned by and designed by
You are hereby invited to submit a sealed bid, as general contractor, on a contract for the construction of the above project. That project will consist of , at , , , to be known as .
Copies of the contract documents, including drawings and specifications, are available at my office on deposit of . will be refunded on return of the drawings and specifications in good condition. All drawings and specifications must be returned no later than .
To be considered, you must submit a final bid with any necessary supporting materials to support your proposed bid as a reasonable and accurate assessment of the project. The bid and the accompanying papers and documents must be mailed and received or sealed and delivered to , , , not later than by . At that time and place, all bids will be opened publicly and read aloud.
The owner of the above project reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to award the contract to other than the low bidder, and to waive any informality in bidding.The successful bidder, if any, will be required to furnish a bond issued by a corporate surety authorized to issue surety insurance in the State, for the faithful performance of the contract for the project in an amount equal to of the contract price for the project. A labor and material payment bond issued by the corporate surety is also required, in an amount equal to the contract price for the Project to insure payment of all claims for materials furnished or labor performed in constructing the project.
Very truly yours,