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What is an Incident Report?

Incident Reports help you document the details of any event that occurs. The information included in an Incident Report can be helpful to provide the parties involved with the details of the event for recordkeeping or future recommendations. It's easy to forget key details if too much time passes after an incident, so an Incident Report should be completed as soon as possible while the details of the event are fresh in the minds of the involved parties or witnesses. 
Using an Incident Report helps you keep track of important information surrounding an unusual or unexpected event and allows you to make recommendations to help prevent future incidents. In addition to recordkeeping, Incident Reports can also help businesses or individuals take the steps needed to mitigate or prevent future damage. No matter how minor an incident is, it can be helpful to take note of the details as soon as it occurs by filling out an Incident Report.

When to use an Incident Report:

  • You are responsible for creating reports on incidents.
  • You are an employee who needs to report an incident you have witnessed.
  • You need to create reporting policies for your business.

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Date of :

Time of :

Location of :

Type of :


Description of the :






Phone Number:

E-mail Address:






By: Date:



Report recipient:



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