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Organize and update business information: Business Fact Sheet

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Other Names: Small Business Fact Sheet Business Information Fact Sheet Company Fact Sheet
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What is a Business Fact Sheet?

There are a lot of details to keep track of when running a business. Use the Business Fact Sheet to gather and update important information in one document. If you have employees, like your administrative or legal staff, that frequently need to know all the basics, you can use a Business Fact Sheet to give them the information they need. It can also be used to provide information to external parties. 
Once the Business Fact Sheet has been prepared, it can be accessible to those individuals in the business who may need to use the information. You can compile the basic facts about your business with this sheet, including the employer identification number (EIN), type of business, its main activity, management structure, list of employees, assets, loans, agreements, and insurance policies. Save time with our step-by-step Business Fact Sheet.

When to use a Business Fact Sheet:

  • You want to organize various types of information related to your business.
  • You want to provide a reference for information you might need to prepare other legal documents or letters.

Sample Business Fact Sheet

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Business Name 


Phone Ext.:



Identification Number 


Business Owners

General PartnerLimited Partner

LLC Member(s)




Description of the Business


Management Structure


Start Date of Business


An employee handbook is provided. An employee handbook is not provided. No holiday or sick leave policy. creditor.former or current employee.former business partner.current business partner.independent contractor..Small ClaimsState District CourtFederal District CourtFederal Bankruptcy Court Oral contract breachWritten contract breachImplied contract breachNegligenceIntentional actionDefective productBreach of warrantyState/federal law violationAutomobile accidentSexual discriminationEmployment discriminationAge discriminationWorkers compensation claimCopyright, Patent, or Trademark
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