General Terms of Service
March 27, 2025
- 1. Trial Offers, Auto-Renewals and Paid Accounts
- 2. Refund Policy
- 3. Membership Downgrade
- 4. Rocket Lawyer Legal Information is Not a Substitute for Legal Advice
- 5. Interactions with Attorneys
- 6. Attorney Advertising Disclaimer
- 7. Business Filings and Registered Agent Service
- 8. Termination of Membership and Access Restriction
- 9. Ownership and Preservation of Your Documents
- 10. Consent to Receive Emails
- 11. Acceptable Use of Communications Services
- 12. No Unlawful or Prohibited Use
- 13. Intellectual Property Rights; License Grant
- 14. Copyright and DMCA
- 15. Links to Third Party Sites
- 16. Disclaimer of Representations and Liability
- 17. Release and Indemnity
- 18. Dispute Resolution By Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver
- 19. Controlling Law
- 20. Entire Agreement
- 21. Waiver, Severability and Assignment
- 22. Modifications
- 23. North Carolina Residents
- 24. Missouri Residents
Thanks for using Rocket Lawyer. These General Terms of Service ("General Terms"), along with any applicable Additional Terms (defined below) (collectively, the “Terms”) cover your use and access to the products, services, software, platform and websites (collectively, "Services") provided by Rocket Lawyer Incorporated and any of our affiliates (collectively, "Rocket Lawyer"). By using our Services, you agree to be bound by these General Terms as well as our Privacy Policy. If you are using our Services as the employee or agent of an organization, you are agreeing to these Terms on behalf of that organization. Please note that the statements set forth under the headings "More simply put" are provided as a courtesy solely for your convenience and are not legally binding or otherwise intended to modify these Terms in any way.
You must be the legal age of majority in your state of residence or otherwise able to form a binding contract with Rocket Lawyer in order to use the Services. In no event is use of the Services permitted by those under the age of 13.
In addition to these General Terms, your use of specific Services may be governed by additional terms and conditions (“Additional Terms”) such as:
- Rocket Lawyer External Pro Services
- Rocket Lawyer Legal Services
- RocketSign
- Rocket Wallet
- Document Defense
- Rocket Tax
- Legal Benefits
- Registered Agent
- Rocket Copilot
If there is any conflict between the terms in the General Terms and the Additional Terms, then the Additional Terms govern in relation to that Service. Certain of our Services are offered by subsidiaries, where noted in the applicable Additional Terms.
- More simply put
By using Rocket Lawyer, you agree to our Terms of Service. You also need to be an adult, as defined by the state where you live (usually that means 18).
1. Trial Offers, Auto-Renewals and Paid Accounts
Rocket Lawyer makes available trial offers for the limited use of the Services (each, a "Trial Offer") to new customers who provide a valid payment instrument, such as a credit card or other payment method. If you choose to start a Trial Offer, you will automatically join the paid membership you have chosen at the end of the Trial Offer and you authorize Rocket Lawyer to charge your payment method a recurring monthly membership fee or annual membership fee, as applicable. If you wish to use additional Services beyond those included in the Trial Offer, you may be asked to separately purchase those Services or to upgrade to a paid membership prior to the end of the Trial Offer period. Please visit our Membership and Pricing page for additional details on our available memberships. We reserve the right to change our pricing from time to time, but our price changes will always be prospective and not retroactive.
Rocket Lawyer may automatically charge you at the end of the trial or for a membership renewal unless you notify us that you want to cancel or downgrade your membership. You can downgrade an auto-renewing paid membership to a free account at any time. |
To ensure uninterrupted service and to enable you to conveniently purchase additional products and Services, Rocket Lawyer will store and update (e.g. upon expiration) your payment method on file. If we are unable to charge your designated payment method for any reason, we reserve the right to automatically downgrade your paid plan to a lower-priced plan, change your billing cycle, and/or to suspend your paid membership until your designated payment method can be charged again. Please note that it is your responsibility to maintain current billing information on file with Rocket Lawyer.
If you have access to the Rocket Lawyer Services through a Program Sponsor (defined below), renewal of your membership will be determined by the separate agreement between Rocket Lawyer and the Program Sponsor. "Program Sponsor'' means any company, organization or affiliation that purchases Rocket Lawyer memberships on behalf of its members or employees.
- More simply put
When you sign up for a free trial, we'll convert you to a paid membership at the end of your trial unless you cancel first. Monthly memberships will automatically renew each month, but you can cancel or downgrade at any time.
2. Refund Policy
We want you to be 100% satisfied with our Services. If there is a problem with the delivery of your Services or you believe there has been an error in billing, please contact our Customer Service Department by email at or by telephone at (877) 881-0947 immediately so that we can help you resolve the issue, provide a refund, or offer credit that can be used for future Services when appropriate.
When contacting us, please include any details relating to the Services you have purchased so that we can ensure you are completely satisfied with your Rocket Lawyer experience. Except when state law allows otherwise, all refund requests must be made within 30 days of purchase.
We do not offer refunds where you receive access to the Service through a Program Sponsor, on payments we have collected for incorporation-related, short-term rental licensing assistance, or tax preparation services (including, without limitation, registered agent services), Services that have been commenced and/or completed (such as a tax return), annual plans after 30 days have elapsed since your purchase, when an annual plan has been purchased in conjunction with another Rocket Lawyer product that has been discounted, or on payments to other third parties with a role in processing your order. We also cannot refund any money paid by you directly to third parties, such as payments made by you directly to External Pros.
Please note that certain services, such as registered agent services, monthly plans and annual plans, automatically renew, so if you do not want your plan to renew, please contact us at or by telephone at (877) 881-0947 before the renewal date of your plan. You may also cancel Services before they renew via your online account.
- More simply put
We gladly offer refunds for billing mistakes or if there is a problem with the delivery of your Services. However, unless you have a good reason, we don't give refunds for Services that you've already used.
3. Membership Downgrade
To downgrade your membership online, please follow these instructions. Alternatively, you may call our customer service team at (877) 881-0947 during our regular business hours (6:00am-6:00pm Monday-Friday Pacific Time).
Please note that if you choose to downgrade your membership, Rocket Lawyer reserves the right to collect fees from you to cover fees charged to Rocket Lawyer or its agents on behalf of your account. In addition, if you fail to provide a payment on time, Rocket Lawyer reserves the right to downgrade your membership and/or change your billing cycle without prior notice. Please note that downgrading does not affect your ability to access the documents you created through Rocket Lawyer's Service.
- More simply put
You can downgrade your account at any time. If you stop paying for your account, we may downgrade it for you.
4. Rocket Lawyer Legal Information is Not a Substitute for Legal Advice
Rocket Lawyer provides a platform for legal information and self-help. Our Services do not include legal insurance or constitute an insurance product. The information provided by Rocket Lawyer along with the content of our Service related to legal matters is provided for your private use and does not constitute legal advice ("Legal Information"). We do not review any information you provide us for legal accuracy or sufficiency, draw legal conclusions, provide opinions about your selection of forms, or apply the law to the facts of your situation.
If you need legal advice for a specific problem, you should consult with a licensed attorney using Rocket Lawyer’s Ask a Lawyer service (as provided by Rocket Legal Professional Services, Inc. (“RLPS”)). Legal Information provided by Rocket Lawyer through its Service is not a substitute for legal advice from a qualified attorney licensed to practice in an appropriate jurisdiction. Communications between you and Rocket Lawyer are not protected as privileged communications under the attorney-client privilege or work product doctrine. Also, if you use the Rocket Lawyer Ask a Lawyer service, the communications between you and the attorney who answers your question may not be protected as privileged communications under the attorney-client privilege or work product doctrine.
For the sake of clarity, your use of the Services does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Rocket Lawyer, or between you and any Rocket Lawyer subsidiary, employee or representative, unless you specifically enter into an RLPS Services Agreement (“RSA”) and RLPS Order for attorney legal advice. Unless you are otherwise represented by an attorney, you represent yourself in any legal matter you undertake through our Services.
Rocket Lawyer is not a "Lawyer Referral Service." The directory of lawyers published on our Service is provided to the public free of charge and is for informational purposes only. Rocket Lawyer does not endorse or recommend any attorney nor does it make any warranty as to the qualifications or competency of any attorney.
- More simply put
Legal Information on the Rocket Lawyer Service is not a substitute for legal advice—only a licensed attorney can provide that. If you wish to engage a lawyer for legal advice, Rocket Lawyer’s subsidiary, Rocket Legal Professional Services, Inc. (“RLPS”), can provide you with legal advice by entering a RLPS Services Agreement (“RSA”) and Order separately with you.
5. Interactions with Attorneys
When you use our Services, you will have the opportunity to submit legal questions and receive information or advice in one of two ways: 1) through an RLPS In-House Pro (“IHP”), who is either an attorney or paralegal paid for by Rocket Lawyer, or employed within the RLPS law firm owned by Rocket Lawyer or 2) through a third-party independent contractor attorney (“External Pro”) not employed by Rocket Lawyer or RLPS.
You may have an initial consultation or other interaction with an attorney prior to formally entering into an attorney-client relationship; these initial consultations or interactions are intended to be a starting point for dealing with your legal matter and do not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. Further details regarding consultations will be outlined in the RSA and accompanying Order.
RLPS In-House Pros (“IHPs”)
If you engage an RLPS IHP to provide legal advice, you must first enter into an RSA and Order that creates an attorney-client relationship between you and our affiliate, RLPS. Additional terms and conditions will apply in that situation and you will have the right and opportunity to be provided with and review those terms and conditions prior to engaging with RLPS. There is no attorney-client relationship formed, and RLPS is under no duty to act as your lawyer, unless and until an RSA and Order for attorney advice is agreed to and accepted by both you and RLPS. Up until that point in time, any information provided to you regarding the law or your specific situation is simply legal Information, to be used by you - at your discretion, and at your own risk. If there is any conflict between the RSA and these Terms, the RSA shall govern.
RLPS is a company authorized to provide legal services, including the practice of law, by the Arizona Supreme Court, as of 9/24/2024.
This service is being provided by an entity that is not a traditional legal provider. This entity is owned/managed (fully or partially) by nonlawyers who are not subject to the same rules as lawyers.
If you have questions, please contact us at
External Pros (Formerly known as “On Call network attorneys”)
External Pros are neither employees nor agents of Rocket Lawyer. External Pros are third-party, independent attorneys who carry their own malpractice insurance, manage their own client fund trust accounts, and have agreed to provide online answers, limited consultations or other legal services to Rocket Lawyer members at discounted rates.
As a Rocket Lawyer member, you may have the opportunity to engage an External Pro to handle your legal matters. When you engage an External Pro, the External Pros Terms of Service apply, along with these General Terms. Communicating with an External Pro through Rocket Lawyer’s platform is NOT required. However, if you communicate with an External Pro through Rocket Lawyer and/or RLPS, please note the following:
- When you contact an External Pro through Rocket Lawyer, any initial interactions and any attorney-client relationship formed during the course of that interaction is strictly between you and the External Pro and expressly EXCLUDES Rocket Lawyer and RLPS.
- When you contact an External Pro through Rocket Lawyer, he or she may ask you for some information regarding you and your legal affairs in order to properly address your questions. By using our Services, you consent to sharing such personally identifying information for the purpose of securing legal advice with both the requesting attorney and with Rocket Lawyer. Rocket Lawyer and RLPS will not have access to information you provide directly to the External Pro, except in cases where you do so through our platform, in which case we can access that information for fulfillment and quality assurance purposes.
- When you contact an External Pro through Rocket Lawyer, you and the External Pro control both the duration and scope of the interaction. Any attorney-client relationship formed during the course of that interaction may either
- end when the interaction with the External Pro ends, or
- continue if you and the External Pro agree to continue the engagement for further legal services.
- If you wish to create an attorney-client relationship with an External Pro that extends beyond your use of our Services, that relationship will be on whatever terms you establish with the attorney in question. Those terms do NOT involve Rocket Lawyer and RLPS and, except for pre-negotiating special discounts for our members, we do not set, control or influence External Pros. For example, the External Pro may ask you to sign a formal representation agreement regarding the scope of work they will perform, the cost of their legal services, and the handling of any out of pocket expenses they may incur.
- External Pros may be compensated by Rocket Lawyer for Services performed on your behalf; however, except where authorized by law, Rocket Lawyer does not receive any share of legal fees collected by any attorneys in our network. In all cases, Rocket Lawyer will not influence or interfere in any way with any attorney's independent professional judgment. External Prosreserve the right to refuse to perform legal services on your behalf in their sole discretion.
- Rocket Lawyer and RLPS do not endorse or recommend any External Pros. You should carefully evaluate the experience and qualifications of any External Pro before hiring them as your lawyer. Rocket Lawyer and RLPS make no representation or warranty as to the qualifications or competency of any External Pro or as to the accuracy or completeness of any External Pro’s work.
- More simply put
You may interact with either attorneys working for Rocket Lawyer and RLPS or with External Pros. External Pros are independent attorneys, not Rocket Lawyer or RLPS employees, so the terms of engagement are determined entirely by you and them. Rocket Lawyer and RLPS are not responsible for the services or advice they give. We may access any messages you send to an attorney through the Rocket Lawyer Service for fulfillment and quality assurance purposes.
6. Attorney Advertising Disclaimer
This website and its contents may be considered attorney advertising under the rules of certain jurisdictions.
External Pro profiles on our Service are provided as a free public service, not a list of paid advertisements or endorsements. Rocket Lawyer does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in any External Pro profile. External Pros are third-party independent contractors solely responsible for the advice they give, the services they provide and the representations about themselves they make. You are solely responsible for assessing the quality, integrity, suitability and trustworthiness of all persons with whom you communicate regarding your legal needs. Prior results (for example, positive testimonials from prior clients) do not guarantee a similar outcome.
RLPS and Rocket Lawyer Attorney profiles and information that we make publicly available are provided for public information purposes, but are not intended to imply that the attorneys can provide legal advice in all jurisdictions. Rather, the attorneys are only available to help customers in jurisdictions where authorized to provide legal services; information regarding attorney services are not intended for anyone located in a state where these services are not authorized.
- More simply put
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon information found on our Service.
7. Business Filings and Registered Agent Service
Rocket Lawyer offers entity formation, business filing and registered agent Services in all 50 states. Rocket Lawyer occasionally partners with other companies to fulfill business formation, registered agent or other business filing orders. You understand and agree that Rocket Lawyer will share certain personally identifiable information for you with the applicable third-party provider.
States require your business entity to have a registered agent or an equivalent on file with the Secretary of State or other department. By purchasing Registered Agent Services from Rocket Lawyer, you authorize Rocket Lawyer and/or its third-party provider to receive service of process, including any notices of legal proceedings, other legal notices, or official government communication, and any items covered by the respective statute, rule, or regulation on your entity’s behalf. You further authorize your Registered Agent to scan, upload and transmit any such communications received on your entity’s behalf to your email address and into your account. When appropriate, Rocket Lawyer and/or its partners may also forward physical mail received on your behalf to the business address we have on record. To update your contact information, please contact us at (877) 881-0947 or
Rocket Lawyer's filing Services are intended for users forming or maintaining their own business(es). Communications related to Rocket Lawyer filings will be directed towards the email and/or mailing address we have on file.
To ensure uninterrupted service, Registered Agent Services will automatically renew for successive 1-year terms at the end of each subscription period. If you do not opt out of this auto-renewal program, Rocket Lawyer will charge the payment method (e.g., credit card, debit card, or PayPal) you provided with the original order and renew you for the service term you selected. Rocket Lawyer reserves the right to increase all service fees at any time without notification to you. We will, however, notify you of any increase in service fees prior to renewing your service.
You may cancel the Registered Agent Service at any time by contacting Rocket Lawyer at (877) 881-0947 during our normal business hours. In addition to canceling the Registered Agent Service, to comply with your state's regulations, you will also need to submit appropriate change of agent paperwork with the applicable state agencies. Any fees associated with completing such a change of agent are your sole responsibility. By canceling the Registered Agent Service, you acknowledge and understand that we will take necessary steps to resign as your registered agent. Upon resignation, Rocket Lawyer and any of its affiliates, directors, agents, employees, or other Rocket Lawyer service providers will cease to act as your Registered Agent and stop all Registered Agent related Services. Specific information regarding the change of registered agent process and any related government fee information can be found on your state's website. Rocket Lawyer does not offer full or prorated refunds for canceled Registered Agents Services. Such services are purchased and renewed on an annual basis and must be canceled prior to the renewal date to avoid recurring annual charges.
If your entity is dissolved, either voluntarily or involuntarily, it is your responsibility to notify Rocket Lawyer of this dissolution so that we may cancel the Registered Agent services that are no longer needed. Until we are notified otherwise, your Registered Agent subscription will continue to renew and bill as described in this section.
Rocket Lawyer reserves the right to cancel your Registered Agent Service at any time if you refuse to pay or your payment method is declined. You agree to bear any risk of termination, and under no circumstances will Rocket Lawyer be liable or responsible for any damage or inconvenience caused or alleged to be caused by termination.
Rocket Lawyer provides short-term rental licensing assistance (“STR”) in certain jurisdictions. If you purchase an STR product, you authorize Rocket Lawyer to file certain documents on your behalf as your agent for the limited purpose of making your STR filing with the appropriate local jurisdiction. You acknowledge that some local jurisdictions do not allow for Rocket Lawyer to file STR documents on your behalf. In those cases, Rocket Lawyer shall assist you to the extent possible by providing self-help instructions to make your filing on your own. Rocket Lawyer does not guarantee any specific outcome, such as a successful STR registration or license application and Rocket Lawyer shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, costs, loss of profits, or any other monetary amounts to you for any reason as a result of anything related to its provision of STR services to you. You acknowledge that there may be fees, costs, registration bills, taxes and other amounts required by local governments for your STR filing, for which you will be responsible to pay, in addition to any Rocket Lawyer STR service charges. Such additional governmental fees may vary from time to time and from locality to locality. Once you have purchased an STR product and guidance has been provided to you for the STR filing in your applicable jurisdiction, you shall not be eligible for any refunds related to the STR services fees.
- More simply put
Rocket Lawyer will share your information with its partners in order to fulfill business services purchased through Rocket Lawyer. Registered Agent services will automatically renew unless you choose to cancel. Rocket Lawyer reserves the right to cancel your service if payment is not received.
8. Termination of Membership and Access Restriction
Rocket Lawyer reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to downgrade or terminate your access to the Services, for any reason and at any time without prior notice. For example, we may suspend or terminate your use of some or all of the Services if you violate these Terms or use the Services in a manner that may expose us to legal liability, disrupt the Services or disrupt others' use of the Services.
If Rocket Lawyer elects to terminate your membership, Rocket Lawyer will provide you with notice at your registered email address. Rocket Lawyer also reserves the right to modify or discontinue, either temporarily or permanently, any part of its Services with notice. You agree that Rocket Lawyer will not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension, or discontinuance of your membership or access to the Services.
If your Rocket Lawyer membership is paid for by a Program Sponsor and they elect to discontinue the service, you will have the opportunity to continue your membership personally by enrolling in a paid subscription.
- More simply put
Rocket Lawyer has the right to downgrade or cancel your account at any time. This is a very rare occurrence, and would only happen if you were violating the Terms, breaking the law, or otherwise misusing the service.
9. Ownership and Preservation of Your Documents
Rocket Lawyer does not claim ownership of any documents you either create or upload and store using our Services ("Documents"). You grant permission for Rocket Lawyer to use your Documents in connection with providing Services to you.
You acknowledge and agree that Rocket Lawyer may preserve these Documents as well as disclose them if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to accomplish any of the following: (1) to comply with legal process, applicable laws or government requests; (2) to enforce these Terms; (3) to respond to claims that any content violates the rights of third parties; or (4) to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Rocket Lawyer, its users and the public. You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Service, including your Documents and other content, may involve transmissions over third party networks and changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices. You agree that Rocket Lawyer has no responsibility or liability for deleting or failing to store any Documents or other content maintained or uploaded in the Services.
- More simply put
The documents you create and store in your account belong to you. But if required by law, or for other good reason, we have the right to share them with law enforcement or others.
10. Consent to Receive Emails
By creating an account, you agree that you may receive communications from Rocket Lawyer, such as newsletters, special offers, and account reminders and updates. You also understand that you can remove yourself from promotional communications by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link in the footer of the actual email. You cannot opt out of essential communications regarding your account, such as renewal notices.
- More simply put
Rocket Lawyer may send you emails, but you can unsubscribe from promotional emails at any time.
11. Acceptable Use of Communications Services
Our Services include a large number of what are collectively called "Communications Services." These include services such as live chats, RocketSign signature Services, Rocket Wallet payment Services, comment threads, blog posts, question and answer products, customer service communication forums, calendars, and other message services. You agree to use the Communications Services only to post, send, and receive messages or materials proper to and related to the particular Communication Service. When using a Communication Service, you agree that you will not do any of the following:
- Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights of others.
- Publish, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any names, materials, or information that is considered inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent, or unlawful.
- Create a false identity, represent yourself as someone else, or sign an agreement as someone else or on behalf of someone else or otherwise falsify or delete in an uploaded file any significant attributions or notices.
- Upload files that contain software or other material protected either by intellect ual property laws or by the rights of privacy or publicity except when
- you own or control the necessary rights, or
- you have received all necessary consents to do so.
- Upload corrupted files, files that contain viruses, or any other files that may damage the operation of another's computer.
- Advertise, offer to sell, or offer to buy anything for business purposes except to the limited extent any particular Communication Service expressly allows such activity.
- Restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Communications Services.
- Harvest or otherwise collect any information about other users, either individually or in the aggregate, or about the Services generally.
- Violate any code of conduct or other guidelines, which may be applicable for any particular Communication Service.
- Violate any applicable laws or regulations.
Although Rocket Lawyer has no obligation to monitor the Communications Services, we reserve the right, in our own discretion, to review and remove materials posted to a Communication Service (in whole or in part), terminate or limit any user’s access to the Communications Services, or take other steps that we believe are appropriate to prevent abusive or unreasonably burdensome use of the Communications Services. Rocket Lawyer reserves the right to disclose any materials posted, information or activity as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request.
- More simply put
We offer a lot of ways to communicate through our Service, like message boards, live chats, blog comments, and more. You agree to use those Services as intended, and not to post anything illegal or abusive.
12. No Unlawful or Prohibited Use
You can only use our Services if doing so complies with the laws of your jurisdiction(s). The availability of our Services in your jurisdiction(s) is not an invitation or authorization by Rocket Lawyer to access or use our website or Services in a manner that violates your local laws and regulations. By using our Services, you accept sole responsibility to ensure that you or anyone else who accesses your account to use our Services does not violate any applicable laws in your jurisdiction(s). To enforce this provision, Rocket Lawyer reserves the right to refuse membership, or suspend or terminate your account immediately and without prior notice at our sole discretion.
The following are specifically excluded or prohibited:
- Use in connection with any legal matter that is frivolous, immaterial or illegal in nature, as determined by Rocket Lawyer or the External Pro in their sole discretion;
- Use in connection with any legal matter involving an alleged violent crime by you;
- Use in connection with any legal matter involving the laws of jurisdictions outside of the United States or its subdivisions;
- Use in connection with any legal matter for which you are currently or prospectively represented by legal counsel (other than an IHP or External Pro).
- Use in connection with any legal matter that, as determined by the IHP or External Pro in his or her sole discretion, lacks sufficient merit to warrant pursuit, or that has been raised an excessive or unreasonable number of times without a change in circumstances;
- Use in connection with any legal matter that directly or indirectly involves any IHP or External Pro other than as your counsel;
- Use in connection with any legal matter in which Rocket Lawyer or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, agents, employees, or other Rocket Lawyer service providers has an adverse interest; or
- Use in connection with any legal matter in which your Program Sponsor has an adverse interest, or in which any director, officer or controlling stockholder of the Program Sponsor has an adverse interest.
You may not hack, "scrape" or "crawl" our Services, whether directly or through intermediaries such as spiders, robots, crawlers, scrapers, framing, iframes or RSS feeds without express written permission from Rocket Lawyer. You may not access or attempt to access any information Rocket Lawyer has not intentionally made available to you on its Services via purchased subscription. Your use of the Rocket Lawyer Services does not entitle you to resell any Rocket Lawyer content without prior express written consent from Rocket Lawyer.
- More simply put
If for any reason it would be illegal for you to use Rocket Lawyer Services, you agree not to do so. You also agree not to use Rocket Lawyer for frivolous lawsuits, violent crimes, or to sue Rocket Lawyer itself or your Program Sponsor.
13. Intellectual Property Rights; License Grant
Rocket Lawyer retains all right, title and interest in and to its products and Services, including, without limitation, software, images, text, graphics, illustrations, logos, service marks, copyrights, photographs, videos, music, articles, document templates and all related intellectual property rights. Except as otherwise provided in the Terms, you may not, and may not permit others to:
- reproduce, modify, translate, enhance, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or create derivative works of any of our products and Services (other than documents you create through your membership, which you may use for your own personal use);
- sell, license, sublicense, rent, lease, distribute, copy, publicly display, publish, adapt or edit any of our products and Services; or
- circumvent or disable any security or technological features of our products and Services.
The design, text, graphics and selection and arrangement of our Services and the legal forms, documents, guidance and all other content found on our Service ("Service Content") are copyright © Rocket Lawyer Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Rocket Lawyer®, Rocket Lawyer On Call®, RocketSign® and Rocket Wallet® are registered trademarks in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and other jurisdictions. These and any other Rocket Lawyer product or Service names, logos or slogans displayed on our Service are trademarks of Rocket Lawyer Incorporated. You may not copy, imitate or use them, in whole or in part, without our prior written consent. In addition, the look and feel of Rocket Lawyer is the service mark, trademark and/or trade dress of Rocket Lawyer Incorporated and you may not copy, imitate or use it, in whole or in part, without our prior written consent. The names of actual companies and products you might encounter through us may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Nothing in these Terms or the Services should be understood as granting any license or right to use any of Rocket Lawyer's or any third party’s trademarks displayed on our Services. All goodwill generated from the use of Rocket Lawyer's trademarks is reserved for the use of Rocket Lawyer, exclusively.
Subject to your compliance with these Terms, you are hereby granted a non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable, revocable license to use the Services as we intend for them to be used. As a registered Rocket Lawyer user, you are the owner of and are fully authorized to keep, for your own personal records, electronic or physical copies of documents you have created on Rocket Lawyer.
When you transmit public-facing user content on Rocket Lawyer, you hereby grant Rocket Lawyer and its affiliates a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display any such content, including throughout the world in any media. If you submit feedback or suggestions about our Services, we may use your feedback or suggestions without obligation or compensation to you. You acknowledge and agree that Rocket Lawyer is authorized to collect and use aggregated or anonymized information from or about you and other users and user-created documents for the purposes of researching, developing, improving and marketing its Services.
Any information or data that does not meet the definition of personal information under applicable privacy laws and which you input to Rocket Lawyer’s platforms or Services, or otherwise make available to Rocket Lawyer, may be used by Rocket Lawyer to provide, maintain and improve the Services, including for quality control purposes, and for other purposes as set forth in the Rocket Lawyer Privacy Policy. Collection, use and transfer of any of your personal information is subject to the Rocket Lawyer Privacy Policy.
Resale or unauthorized copying, use, storage, display or distribution of forms, articles, documents or other materials copied or downloaded from our Service is strictly prohibited. Use of these materials is for your personal or business use. Any resale or redistribution of our materials requires the express written consent of Rocket Lawyer. Any rights not expressly granted in these Terms are reserved by Rocket Lawyer.
- More simply put
The Rocket Lawyer logo, software, trademarks, products, and Services belong to us. You agree not to copy or sell any of our intellectual property. As long as you follow these Terms, you're welcome to use all Rocket Lawyer Services in the manner intended. The documents you create are yours for personal use, but you can't sell or give away the Rocket Lawyer template they're based on.
14. Copyright and DMCA
We respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement and terminate accounts of repeat infringers according to the process set out in the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
If you believe that any material on our Service infringes upon any copyright which you own or control, you may file a DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement with Rocket Lawyer's Designated Copyright Agent:
Rocket Lawyer Incorporated Attn: Legal Department 2261 Market St., #10647, San Francisco CA 94114 Email:
- More simply put
We comply with the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and expect our users to, as well.
15. Links to Third Party Sites
Rocket Lawyer's Service may contain links to third party resources and businesses on the Internet, called here "links" or "Linked Site(s)." Those links are provided for your convenience to help you identify and locate other Internet resources that may be of interest to you.
Rocket Lawyer does not control, endorse or monitor the contents of any Linked Site. That includes, without limitation, any further link contained in a Linked Site, and any changes or updates to a Linked Site. Rocket Lawyer is not responsible for webcasting or for any other form of transmission received from any Linked Site. These Terms do not cover your interaction with Linked Sites. You should carefully review the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any Linked Sites.
If you use any service provided on a Linked Site, (a) Rocket Lawyer will not be responsible for any act or omission of the third party, including the third party's access to or use of your customer data and (b) Rocket Lawyer does not warrant or support any service provided by the third party.
- More simply put
The links we provide to other websites are for your information only. We don't endorse and are not responsible for the content on those sites.
16. Disclaimer of Representations and Liability
The information, software, products, and Services made available through Rocket Lawyer may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Rocket Lawyer reserves the right at any time to modify, improve, suspend or deprecate certain features of our Services. Legal Information received via Rocket Lawyer should not be relied upon exclusively for personal, medical, legal or financial decisions; rather, we recommend you use information from our Service in conjunction with the advice of a qualified professional tailored to your situation. In short, your use of our Services is at your own risk.
Enforceability Guarantee Only Applies to Unmodified Documents
Please note that Rocket Lawyer’s guarantee of the enforceability of its legal documents only applies in the case that the documents are unmodified by you. If you modify the language of any legal documents you obtain from Rocket Lawyer, Rocket Lawyer can no longer guarantee their legal enforceability.
- More simply put
While we do our best to make sure everything is accurate and up to date, your use of our Services is at your own risk. Please don't make personal, medical, legal, or financial decisions without consulting a professional. If you modify the language of any legal documents obtained from Rocket Lawyer, the enforceability guarantee no longer applies.
17. Release and Indemnity
By using our Service, you, on behalf of yourself and your heirs, executors, agents, representatives, and assigns, fully release, forever discharge, and hold Rocket Lawyer, its subsidiaries and partners (including any third-party companies engaged by Rocket Lawyer to fulfill business formation, registered agent or other business filing orders), your Program Sponsor (if applicable) and its affiliates, and its and their respective officers, employees, directors and agents, harmless from any and all losses, damages, expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, rights, claims, and actions of any kind and injury (including death) arising out of or relating to your use of the Services. You agree that this release has been freely and voluntarily consented to and you confirm that you fully understand what you are agreeing to.
You agree to indemnify and hold Rocket Lawyer, its subsidiaries and partners (including any third-party companies engaged by Rocket Lawyer to fulfill business formation, registered agent or other business filing orders), your Program Sponsor (if applicable) and its affiliates, and its and their respective officers, employees, directors and agent harmless from any and all losses, damages, expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, rights, claims, actions of any kind and injury (including death) arising out of any third party claims relating to your use of the Service, your violation of these Terms or your violation of any rights of another.
Program Sponsors are expressly intended third-party beneficiaries of the provisions of these Terms that expressly apply to Program Sponsors including, without limitation, this Section 17 (Release and Indemnity) and Section 12 (No Unlawful or Prohibited Use).
- More simply put
Rocket Lawyer is not responsible for anything that happens as a result of you violating these Terms, violating someone else's rights, or a third-party claim.
18. Dispute Resolution By Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver
Most customer concerns can be resolved quickly and to the customer's satisfaction by calling our Customer Service Department at 1-877-881-0947. You can also email us at
However, if Rocket Lawyer is not able to resolve a dispute with you after attempting to do so informally, then as a condition to your use of the Services we mutually agree to resolve such dispute through binding arbitration under the auspices of JAMS Alternative Dispute Resolution ("JAMS"). JAMS will administer any such arbitration under its Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes. The arbitration will be held in the United States county where you live or work, San Francisco (CA), or any other location as to which we may then mutually agree. A party seeking arbitration must first send to the other, by certified mail, a written notice of dispute.
Any notice to Rocket Lawyer should be addressed to Rocket Lawyer Incorporated, 2261 Market St., #10647, San Francisco CA 94114, Attention: General Counsel. Any notice to you shall be sent to your address as set forth in Rocket Lawyer's records of account or such other legal address as Rocket Lawyer is able to identify.
You may only resolve disputes with Rocket Lawyer on an individual basis, and may not bring a claim as a plaintiff or a class member in a class, consolidated, or representative action. Class arbitrations, class actions, private attorney general actions, and consolidation with other arbitrations aren't allowed.
Notwithstanding our agreement to arbitrate our disputes as provided above, the following exceptions will apply to the resolution of disputes between us:
- Either you or Rocket Lawyer may assert claims, if they qualify, in small claims court in San Francisco, California or in any United States county where you live or work without first engaging in arbitration or the informal dispute-resolution process described above.
- Rocket Lawyer may bring a lawsuit against you in any court of competent jurisdiction solely for injunctive relief to stop any unauthorized use or abuse of the Services or intellectual property infringement without first engaging in arbitration or the informal dispute-resolution process described above.
- In the event that the agreement to arbitrate provided herein is found to be inapplicable or unenforceable for any reason, then as a condition to your use of the Services we agree that any resulting judicial proceedings will be brought in the federal or state courts of San Francisco, California, and by your use of the Services you expressly consent to venue and personal jurisdiction of the courts therein.
Rocket Lawyer may, in the future, make changes to these provisions regarding dispute resolution and arbitration by providing notice in accordance with the "Modifications" section below. You may reject any changes to this section made during your Membership by sending us written notice. Such notice must be given within thirty (30) calendar days of the notice of modification to the following address: Rocket Lawyer Incorporated, 2261 Market St., #10647, San Francisco CA 94114, Attention: General Counsel.
- More simply put
If you have a problem with Rocket Lawyer and customer service can't help, you waive your right to sue us, either individually in court or by class action. Instead, we'll resolve your dispute using private arbitration.
19. Controlling Law
These Terms are governed by the law of California, U.S.A., unless preempted by U.S. federal law, without regard to conflict of law rules.
- More simply put
These Terms are governed by California state law.
20. Entire Agreement
These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Rocket Lawyer with respect to the subject matter of these Terms, and supersede and replace any other prior or contemporaneous agreements, or terms and conditions applicable to the subject matter of these Terms. These Terms create no third party beneficiary rights other than as specifically stated in Section 17 of these Terms.
- More simply put
These Terms are the one and only official agreement between you and Rocket Lawyer.
21. Waiver, Severability and Assignment
Rocket Lawyer's failure to enforce a provision is not a waiver of its right to do so later. If a provision of these Terms is found unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full effect and an enforceable term will be substituted reflecting the intent of the unenforceable language as closely as possible. You may not assign any of your rights under these Terms, and any such attempt will be void. Rocket Lawyer may assign its rights to any of its affiliates or subsidiaries, or to any successor in interest of any business associated with the Services.
- More simply put
If for some reason Rocket Lawyer can't or doesn't enforce part of these Terms, the rest of the terms will still be valid.
22. Modifications
We may revise these Terms from time to time, and will always post the most current version on our website. By continuing to use or access the Services after the revisions come into effect, you agree to be bound by the revised Terms. We encourage users to periodically review the Terms to ensure that you understand them in their entirety.
If you have any questions or concerns, please visit our Help Page or Contact Us at any time.
- More simply put
We will always post the most current terms here on our website.
23. North Carolina Residents
If you are a North Carolina resident, the following provisions will apply to your purchases from Rocket Lawyer:
- The disclaimers of warranties and limitations of liability herein will not apply to you.
- These Terms will not be construed to limit your recovery of damages or other remedies.
- These Terms will not be construed to require you to agree to jurisdiction or venue in any state other than North Carolina for resolution of disputes between you and Rocket Lawyer.
24. Missouri Residents
If you are a Missouri resident, the following disclosure will apply to your purchases from Rocket Lawyer:
The Services provided by Rocket Lawyer are not an insurance product and are not regulated by the department of insurance, financial institutions and professional registration in the State of Missouri.